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Monday, January 28, 2013

Week 3 begins....

Well, my Pitner version of UBC has been working out great! The first week was a breeze....everything was new and exciting and I was ready to give it my all. Last week, however, was a different story. John left on Monday morning and was gone until Friday around dinner time. That may not sound like a long time, but when you add in the 5 kids I had to take care of and taxi around (or arrange for a loving uncle or grandparent to taxi around for me) all week, it gets to be a long time. On top of all that, the little guy had bronchitis. So, working out at ATA wasn't in the cards for me but I did do Insanity and Ab Ripper along with my resistance bands. Eating right wasn't too difficult but when I didn't get enough water, I was munchy. Luckily I was able to power through and lost a total of 5 pounds during those first two weeks!

Today has been great! After getting the older kids up and ready and off to school, Brea, Landon and I ventured out to ATA and got in a great Kickboxing class! I love punching and kicking the bags. I need that stress relief! I have been drinking lots of water and eating healthy and often so I feel great so far today. I hope to lose another couple of pounds this week! I have about 10 more pounds that I hope to lose in the next 7 weeks....let's just hope I can keep this motivation!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

It has been awhile!!

Wow! I just realized that it has been 6 months since I last posted in here. I think my problem was trying to post every day. There are a few things wrong with posting every day. First of all, it is just not realistic to think that I will have the time and energy every single day to write something new and exciting. Second, and this is the biggest problem with posting every day, my life is just not that interesting to everyone else!! Sometimes I wish I lived an exciting, action packed life. Then, I realize that I DO live an exciting, action packed life, just not a very interesting life to anyone outside of my immediate family. :o)

So, a little update on everyone. The big kids are keeping busy with all their usual. The younger kids are growing up way too quickly, and I get a bit sad when I realize that I don't have a baby in the house. Last year, at this time, I was doing Insanity and I remember that when I would workout, I would often have to do certain exercises with a baby on my hip! Where has the time gone?? The time has gone, but my extra weight hasn't.

This week has begun a new workout regimen for me. Since the new UBC is starting at ATA, I have decided to do the special Pitner version of UBC! I know I can't make it to ATA 6 days a week to work out. The times just don't work for me. But, I do know I can usually make it to kickboxing Monday and Friday mornings. I can do bands on my own at home on Tuesday and Thursday. And, on Wednesdays I will do an Insanity workout! I am going to also try to fit in a workout on Saturday or Sunday but I am not going to be too hard on myself where that is concerned. The kids keep us very busy on weekends right now! I am following the UBC eating plan so I am hoping that I will see results in time to fit into some summer clothes! Today is day 3 (out of 70) and it was a rough morning, but I worked out, had my breakfast and a snack along with water, and I feel great! I weighed myself and expected to have put on a couple of pounds the last few days since I have been eating so often and drinking SO much water. But, I actually lost 1 pound! I know it isn't much, but it is a start. If I could lose a pund every 3 days, I could make my goal weight in no time! :o)

Well, hopefully I will have something new and exciting (and interesting) to share one day soon on here. Until then, I will leave you in suspense, wondering when another post will appear and if it could possibly be as exciting and intersting as this one!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Day 166....good, but not great.

Well, I have worked out some this week. Not as much as I had hoped, but some. I did abs and I have done my balance board (harder than it sounds) but I haven't done the cardio I would like to do. I have had smoothies and I love them but I just wish I knew some simple and super healthy smoothies. I like the fruit smoothies and don't mind adding veggies, I just wish I could find a couple of really healthy go-to smoothies that I like. For now, I will keep experimenting.

We will be in Bismarck this weekend for McQuades and I am sure I will not work out and I will not eat as well as I am hoping to eat, but I will forgive myself and work extra hard next week!

Day 167....ready for a fun weekend!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Day 163....back on the bandwagon.

Well, I am officially heavier than I was a couple of weeks ago (and I have officially decided to not weigh myself anymore). I am ready to get back on the bandwagon....or jog next to the bandwagon....that will help me reach my goals quicker than actually riding the bandwagon. Anyway, I am ready to recommit to losing weight and inches. Starting this morning, I am going to get most of my nutrition from fruit and veggie smoothies. I am still going to eat a healthy dinner and healthy snacks if I am really in need of a snack. But, I am going to get reaquainted with Vita, our trusty VitaMix. I have missed spending time with her. I feel so great when I am drinking smoothies. And, I feel so yucky when I am eating junk. I just can't figure out why I keep going back to the junk.

I am going to start working out again as well. Today I am going to try and get in an ab workout. I always feel great when I am done working my abs. I suppose that since my belly is probably the part of my body I hate the most, I feel like I am being productive when I work my abs. Maybe, if I have a lot of energy, I will rollerblade tonight. Or, maybe I will get on the elliptical. Anything to get myself moving in the right direction. I am going to take this a day at a time and not be too hard on myself this time. I am going to realize that I am not perfect and I am going to make mistakes and when I make those mistakes, I am going to forgive myself and move on.

We will see how things go this time.

Day 164....doing my best.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Day's been awhile!

Well, it has been awhile since I have updated my blog. There is really nothing to update as far as working out goes but we did get to go on a wonderful vacation and I feel renewed and energized and ready to get back to focusing on working out and getting into shape. We went to Arizona for a week and it was like a little bit of heaven right here on Earth! We were able to just get away from everything and relax and have fun as a family. I was so thankful to have John and the kids all to myself for a full week with no obligations pulling anyone away at all. It isn't very often that we can just get away from it all together and I think we all really needed this vacation! We got to see one of John's sisters and her family on the way to Arizona and on the way back from Arizona (the kids had a blast staying at their house) and we got to see my mom and dad while we were in Arizona. The kids got to swim and play and we got to sit and enjoy the sun.

Now that we are back, we are ready to get into the full swing of summer. With baseball and tball, golf, and tennis, the kids will be busy. John has softball and that keeps him busy. I get to run around and watch all of this so I am kept busy as well! As long as we have nice weather, I am looking forward to spending a lot of time outside this summer!

Hopefully my next updates will include some great fitness progress!

Day 156....back to reality.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Day 143....Cloudy and gloomy.

Today was NOT the sunny, warm day I was hoping for. I didn't expect it to be really nice outside, but I was hoping for at least warm weather. It was downright cold out there! Weather like this makes me just want to cuddle up on the couch, watch tv or read a book, and eat. That does wonders for my weight loss plan.

I didn't work out today. That makes me mad at myself. I was busy all day, but just didn't work out. I had to run to Walmart. That is never fun. But, being the great wife that I am, I made the trip to Walmart instead of making John go. He owes me BIG TIME.

I also started to plan and pack for our trip. I am bringing as little as possible with us. I figure once we get to Arizona we will mostly wear swimsuits, so why pack a bunch of clothes we don't need? I am so excited to pack shorts and sleeveless shirts and sun dresses. The nice thing about the weather here is that it is so cold that we aren't wearing any of the stuff we plan to bring on our trip! I can't wait for the HOT weather!

Tomorrow better be sunny. I need to get myself motivated to work out. Plus, we have tball practice tomorrow evening. I don't want to practice tball in the cold. Ick.

Day 144....hoping for sun!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Day 142....Happy Memorial Day!

First of all, I would like to say Happy Memorial Day and thank all the soldiers and their families who have given their lives to save ours.

The past few days have been very busy! My cousin Stephanie, her husband David, and their two awesome kids, Riley and Elliot were here to visit. I loved having them stay with us but I wish they could have stayed longer. The first night they were here, my aunt and uncle, Greg and LuAnne, who also happen to be in town, came up for dinner. It was so nice to visit for a little bit! The kids played so well together and my kids were so bummed to see everyone go! It is too bad they don't live closer so we could see them more often. But, we are grateful for the time we do get to spend with them!

Yesterday was Graduation. John's brothers, Chris and Anthony graduated so his whole family was in town for the celebration and it was great to see everyone! My kids had a blast playing with their cousins and didn't want the night to end. It is always fun to have the whole family together and there is never a dull minute when Pitners are around.

Today, we went to the mall and got some clothes that we will need for our trip. We are so excited to get to Arizona and just relax by the pool! We are in sunshine withdrawals right now and I can't wait to soak up the rays all day!

John has the day off today so tomorrow will be our first real day of summer break. I hope it is nice outside so the kids and I can go for a walk or go to the park or do something fun to kick off their summer.

Day excited for summer break!